Curriculum Vitae



To integrate an organization of multi-field research, studying coastal ecosystems
2002 - 2003: «Diplôme d’Etudes Approfondies», Calais, France (MSc, including a report)
2001 - 2002: «Diplôme Supérieur de Recherche», Lille, France
2000 - 2001: Voluntary training course, Luc-sur-mer, France
1999 - 2000: «Maîtrise» Biology of the Populations and Ecosystems, Caen, France
1998 - 1999: «Licence» General Biology, Caen, France
1996 - 1998: «DEUG» Natural Sciences", Caen, France
Mars - July 2003:« Long-term Evolution of the macrozoobenthic settlements in the Canche Estuary, the French Channel (1972 - 2000) », Wimereux, France
February 2003: « Estimates of trophic fluxes between macrobenthos and Waders in intertidal zone », Wimereux, France
2001 - 2002:« Impact of the deposits of Pheaocystis sp. on the intertidal benthic zone of the “baie de Canche” », Wimereux, France
2000 - 2001:« Contribution to the study of the biocenotic and morphosédimentary evolution of the western side of the “baie-des-Veys” », Luc-sur-mer, France
April - May 2000:"Coloniality and habitat selection in Larids", Montpellier, France
French, English (written and spoken)
Temporary employments as a free-lance: GEMEL-Picardie, Université de Lille, Université du Littoral Côte d’Opale, C.N.R.S.
Data processing, Fishing, Naturalism, Watery sports

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2002 – 2003: « Diplôme d’Etudes Approfondies: Interfaces and Dynamics in Environment (Biology) Université du Littoral Côte d’Opale, Calais (France) {reports carried out under the direction of Rachid Amara, Lecturer at the U.L.C.O., and Christophe Luczak, Lecturer at the I.U.F.M.}

2001 - 2002: Diplôme Supérieur de Recherche (Biological Oceanology): Impact of the deposits of Pheaocystis sp. on the intertidal benthic zone of the “baie de Canche”, the French Channel, Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille 1, Station Marine de Wimereux, supported on July 05, 2002 front the jury made up of: Jean-Claude Dauvin (President of the Jury, Professor at the U.S.T.L.), Lionel Denis (Director of the D.S.R., Lecturer at the USTL), Nicolas Desroy (Director of the D.S.R., Lecturer at the USTL), Serge Frontier (Reporter, Professor at the USTL), Baghdad Ouddane (Reporter, Lecturer at the USTL),mention “Bien”

2000 - 2001: Voluntary training course: Contribution to the study of the biocenotic and morphosedimentary evolution of the western side of the “baie-des-Veys”, Groupe d’Etude des Milieux Estuariens et Littoraux – Basse-Normandie, U.F.R. of the Life Sciences - Université de Caen, under the direction of Bernard Sylvand (CNRS, Université de Caen), Station Marine de Luc-sur-mer

December 2000: Benthic sampling campaign in the “baie-des-Veys”, U.M.R.ECOBIO, Université de Rennes

1999 - 2000: “Maîtrise” Biology of the Populations and Ecosystems (Littoral Biology, Zoology), 2 months training course (April-May): Coloniality and habitat selection in Larids, U.F.R. of the Life Sciences, Université de Caen, Centre d’Ecologie Fonctionnelle et Evolutive (Montpellier) and Tour-du-Valat (Arles)

1998 - 1999: “Licence” of General Biology, U.F.R. of the Life Sciences, Université de Caen

1996 - 1998: “Diplome d’Enseignement Universitaire General, Natural Science, option Paleontology, U.F.R. of the Life Sciences, Université de Caen

2000 - 2003: Various vacations for the GEMEL (Basse-Normandie and Picardie), CNRS, USTL and ULCO: sorting and determination of intertidal benthic fauna, sampling campaigns at sea.

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